Suite Sister Mary (Remastered 2003)
Suite Sister Mary (Remastered 2003) 歌詞
Dr. X: 'Kill her. That's all you have to do.'
Dr. X:”殺了她。你只需要這麼做。”
Nikki: 'Kill Mary?'
Nikki: ”殺了Mary?”
Dr. X: 'She's a risk. And get the priest, as well.'
Dr. X: ”她是個危險分子。還有, 把那個牧師也處理掉。 ”
[Verse 1]
晚上10點, 我感受著雨水傾瀉
10 P.M., I feel the rain coming down
[Verse 1]
My face feels wet, my mind a storm
臉龐被雨淋濕, 我的內心狂風大作
Flashing lights as people race to find shelter from the pour
警燈閃爍, 人們爭先恐後躲避暴雨
Moving silent, through the streets, they're mine, they're mine
悄無聲息地穿行於街道, 我對它們瞭如指掌
Midnight. She sings praises in the hall
午夜時分, 她在禮堂中高唱讚美詩
To saintly faces, hallowed be their names she can't recall
Sister Mary, virgin Mary, silent with her sin
修女瑪麗, 聖母瑪麗, 對她的罪惡緘默不言
Mary: 'What are you doing out in the rain?'
Mary: ”你為什麼站在外面淋雨呢?”
She feels me, I can taste her breath when she speaks
她察覺到我, 我能嚐到她啟唇時呼出的蘭香
Mary: 'I've been waiting for you. Come in.'
Mary: ”我一直在等你。進來吧。”
[Verse 2]
瑪麗啊, 她只是地下組織的一位妓女
Mary, Mary just a whore for the underground
They made you pay in guilt for your salvation
[Verse 2]
Thought you had them fooled? Now they've sent me for you
你以為你能瞞天過海? 現在他們派我來殺你
You know too much for your own good
你知道的太多, 這將你置於不利
Don't offer me faith, I've got all I need here
別再給我信心, 我已擁有足夠
My faith is growing, growing tight against the seam
我的信念正在膨脹, 繃緊了縫線
What we need is trust, to keep us both alive
我們需要的正是信任, 為了讓彼此存活
Help us make it through the night
[Mary verse 1]
I've no more want of any faith
束縛我的雙臂, 充實我的心靈
Binds my arm and feed my mind
The only peace I've ever known
[Mary verse 1]
I'll close my eyes, and you shoot
我會閉上眼, 你儘管開槍吧
[Verse 3]
不, 瑪麗, 聽著, 從我的吻中汲取力量
No Mary, listen, you've got to pull your strength from my lips
I pray I feed you well
你那珍貴的十字架消失不見, 它讓我苦苦等待了許久
Your precious cross is gone, it made me wait so long
For what you gave to everyone
[Verse 3]
The priest is cold and dead, on his knees he fell
牧師的屍體已然冰冷, 他跪倒在地
From my barrel of death, he turned the Holy water red
死在我的槍口下, 他的鮮血染紅了聖水
As he died he said, 'thank you'
臨死前他說道, '謝謝你'
I just watched him bleed
[Mary verse 2]
我感受著暖流, 那神佑般歡愉的污漬
I feel the flow, the blessed stain
Sweating hands like fire, and flames
點燃我的雙腿, 像祭禮般伸展開
Burn my thighs, spread in sacrificial rite
今夜, 神聖的祭壇再度灼燒我的血肉
The hallowed altar burns my flesh, once more tonight
瑪麗亞, 我的痛苦女神
[Mary verse 2]
Mary, my lady of pain
Always alone
盲目無助, 你追尋著真相
Blind, you search for the truth
我在你身上看見了自己, 平行的人生
I see myself in you, parallel lives
Winding at light-speed through time
[Verse 4]
No time to rest yet
We've got to stop his game
Before madness has the final laugh
Too much bloodshed
我們被利用著, 被灌輸著理念
We're being used and fed
Like rats in experiments
No final outcome here
[Verse 4]
Only pain and fear
It's followed us both all our lives
There's one thing left to see
Will it be him or me?
There's one more candle left to light
[Mary verse 3]
Don 't turn your back on my disgrace
基督的鮮血也無法治愈我的傷口, 如此之深
The blood of Christ can't heal my wounds, so deep
The sins of man are all I taste
Can't spit the memory from my mind
I can 't cry anymore
瑪麗亞, 我的痛苦女神, 永遠孤身一人
[Verse 5]
盲目無助, 你追尋著真相
Mary, my lady of pain, always alone
我在你身上看見了自己, 平行的人生
Blind, you search for the truth
[Mary verse 3]
I see myself in you, parallel lives
Winding at light-speed through time
You're mine