
  1. and all the days were purple:And All the Days Were Purple: IV. Longing
  2. and all the days were purple:And All the Days Were Purple: I. My Joy
  3. and all the days were purple:And All the Days Were Purple: V. Poetry
  4. and all the days were purple:And All the Days Were Purple: VIII. We Went Through the Days
  5. The Branch Will Not Break:IV. From a Bus Window in Central Ohio, Just Before a Thunder Shower
  6. The Branch Will Not Break:II. Two Horses Playing in the Orchard
  7. The Branch Will Not Break:VI. Two Hangovers, Number Two
  8. and all the days were purple:And All the Days Were Purple: VI. Lines for Winter
  9. The Branch Will Not Break:III. Two Hangovers, Number One
  10. The Branch Will Not Break:I. Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota