my strange addiction
my strange addiction 歌詞
-No, Billie, I havent done that dance since my wife died//不Billie 自從我的愛人離世後我再也沒跳過那支舞,
-There's a whole crowd of people out there//這里許多的人,
Who need to learn how to do the Scarn//都需要好好學學怎麼跳The Scran舞(採樣自美劇The Office S7:E17 The Scran是劇中角色Michael自創的舞步),
Dont ask questions you dont wanna know//什麼都別問你不會想知道答案的
Learned my lesson way too long ago//很早之前我就汲取了教訓,
To be talking to you, belladonna//與你聊天簡直要命,
Shoulda taken a break, not an oxford comma//我也該稍作休息而不是步步緊逼,
Take what I want when I wanna//我會去爭取自己渴望的東西,
And I want ya//而我現在對你渴望至極,
Bad, bad news//但有個糟糕的消息,
One of us is gonna lose//我們之間有一個人必輸無疑,
I'm the powder, youre the fuse//若我是火藥導火索就是你,
Just add some friction//一點小摩擦就會激起火花,
You are my strange addiction//你是我難以剝離的癮症,
You are my strange addiction//你是我無法擺脫的癮症,
My doctors cant explain/ /就連醫生也無法解釋,
My symptoms or my pain//我的症狀或苦痛,
But you are my strange addiction//但我就是如此瘋狂地迷戀著你,
-Im really, really sorry,I think i was just relieved//我真的非常抱歉,我覺得看到MIchaels Scarn重拾自信時,
To see that Michaels Scarn got his confidence back//我也如釋重負,
-Yeah, Michael the movie is amazing//是的Michael的電影很棒,
-Its like, one of the best movies//這簡直是,
Ive ever seen in my life//我這輩子看過最棒的電影之一,
Deadly fever, please dont ever break//我已徹底狂熱並淪陷請不要打破這激情,
Be my reliever 'cause I don't self medicate//做我的救贖者吧因為我難以自愈,
And it burns like a gin and I like it//激情燃起像杜松子酒的芬芳我很喜歡,
Put your lips on my skin and you might ignite it//輕吻我的肌膚或許你會點燃這火苗,
Hurts, but I know how to hide it,//隱隱作痛但我知道如何把苦痛隱藏,
kinda like it//還真有些喜歡這樣,
Bad, bad news//但有個糟糕的消息,
One of us is gonna lose//我們之間有一個人必輸無疑,
Im the powder, you're the fuse//若我是火藥導火索就是你,
Just add some friction//一點小摩擦就會激起火花,
You are my strange addiction//你是我難以剝離的癮症,
You are my strange addiction//你是我無法擺脫的癮症,
My doctors cant explain//就連醫生也無法解釋,
My symptoms or my pain//我的症狀或苦痛,
But you are my strange addiction//但我就是如此瘋狂地迷戀著你,
Bite my glass,set myself on fire//讓我焦急憤怒將自己付之一炬,
Cant you tell Im crass?//你看不出來嗎我很粗魯,
Can't you tell Im wired?//你看不出來嗎我興奮至極,
Tell me 'nothing lasts'//你告訴我沒有什麼能夠永遠不變,
Like I dont know//就像我不知曉一般,
You could kiss my as-king about my motto//現在就趁早滾蛋吧(此句是關於kiss my ass的wordplay),
-You should enter in festivals//你應該參加音樂節的,
-Or carnivals//或者狂歡節,
- Thoughts? //就這樣?
Pretty good reaction?//觀眾反應很好嗎,
-Pretty cool right//很酷對吧,
You are my strange addiction//你是我難以剝離的癮症,
You are my strange addiction//你是我無法擺脫的癮症,
My doctors cant explain//就連醫生也無法解釋,
My symptoms or my pain//我的症狀或苦痛,
But you are my strange addiction//但我就是如此瘋狂地迷戀著你,
-Did you like it? Did you like that?//你喜歡這樣嗎你喜歡嗎,
-Which part ?//你說哪一部分