賀新春 歌詞
I wish you a happy new year,(恭賀新春),I love the days we spent all together,(讚美曾一起攜手的時光),I wish you a happy new year,(新年快樂),The people of the world send the blessings to you,(為你帶來全世界的祝福),I wish you a happy new year,(恭賀新春),I love the days we spent all together,(讚美曾一起攜手的時光),I wish you a happy new year,(新年快樂),The people of the world send the blessings to you,(為你帶來全世界的祝福),又是一年新年到,笑著迎接財神來,家家戶戶掛鞭炮,萬事如意發大財,把壓歲錢手裡接著,門上春聯貼著,爺爺奶奶叔叔阿姨嘴裡面說著yes sir,新目標一定能實現,勇敢的直面前進的直線,美好的祝愿跟我大聲念十遍,一年的好運氣伴隨著你,祝福聲傳送到我的家裡,新年party 現在開啟,團團圓圓盡情嗨皮,祝叔叔阿姨財源廣進,仕途高升鵬程萬里,祝哥哥姐姐金榜題名,學業無憂前程似錦,祝天下游子家鄉的父老鄉親身體健康萬事如意,闔家歡樂大吉大利祝正在聽歌的你,恭喜發財,恭恭恭喜發財,萬事如意意意意,快快快快搭上新年的快車,滿載著喜慶幸福和快樂,more money rich sauce,(發大財,發大大財),變成帥哥全部都罩著,有我的場合氣氛都太熱,每一家每一hood my squad and crew,(我的家人我的團隊),好多的禮物好多的紅包和祝福全部都在這,帶著陪伴我實現夢想的麥克風,在家人朋友的祝福中,奮力的向前衝,Boom boom boom ,把關卡全打通,做堅韌的不倒翁,新的一年迎著春風不會退縮告訴你我們一定能成功,I wish you a happy new year,(恭賀新春),I love the days we spent all together, (讚美曾一起攜手的時光),I wish you a happy new year,(新年快樂),The people of the world send the blessings to you,(為你帶來全世界的祝福),I wish you a happy new year,(恭賀新春),I love the days we spent all together,(讚美曾一起攜手的時光),I wish you a happy new year,(新年快樂),The people of the world send the blessings to you,(為你帶來全世界的祝福)。