
  1. Zabur:Part I: Serve the Lord with fear (Dawoūd, Chorus)
  2. Zabur:Part II: Hear my prayer, O Lord (Chorus)
  3. Zabur:Part II: Destruction of the Shelter (Chorus, Children, Dawoūd)
  4. za不如:part II: yes, children, this is the power of art (jib reel, chorus)
  5. Zabur:Part I: The Lord scoffs at them (Dawoūd, Chorus)
  6. Zabur:Part II: In the beginning you laid the foundations (Dawoūd, Chorus)
  7. Zabur:Part I: Prophecy (Chorus, Children, Dawoūd)
  8. Zabur:Part II: The Lord looked down (Chorus, Dawoūd)