Paul Hillier Thomas Tallis: Lamentations, Motets & String Music


Thomas Tallis: Lamentations, Motets & String Music

歌手• Paul Hillier/

  1. Tallis’ Canon, Eighth Tune for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter (Age of the Reformation)
  2. When shall my sorrowful sighing slake
  3. Absterge Domine
  4. Benedictus
  5. Like as the doleful dove
  6. Fond youth is a bubble
  7. the lamentations: first set
  8. in家e菌IO ETF樂途
  9. the lamentations: second set
  10. as OL風ing送
  11. O sacrum con Vivi um
  12. in no mine
  13. third tune for AC日常Bishop Parker SPS alter ("why副Mt和insight")
  14. if也love麼
  15. tel UCI San特特RMI num
  16. Derelinquit impius
  17. Salvator mundi

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