攻夫丹 歌詞
Who am i who am i hopefully (時常向自己拋出疑問:你是誰?)
what kinda species sure to lead you illumine (何種屬性暗度陳倉嘗試將你扭曲)
As u like as u like i fear that one day that i become heartless like u as a parasite (即答:如你所願,心存暗面但吾心向善)
how much do i need (我慾望何邊?)
how much do i need (我想要什麼?抑或多少?)
until i found its me versus me (直到發現我是在對抗自己)
cant allow these personalities always conflict (並深知無法任由多面人性肆意糾纏肉身伴隨餘生)
actually pretty appreciate your way of lunatic (我作風癲狂,更自我擁簇)
we god damn we god damn u've sent me a lot damn (該死上萬族中他只認我們釋伽牟尼寄送苦難以洗潔我們內心)
at times i felt myself astray since i came god damn it(我時常感覺自己不過一粒塵埃)
here a supernatural forces urgent me god damn it(又或如內心那股壓迫所描述那般?)
i feel like say some i feel like take some i feel like drill some (十八歲我一無所有嘗試去辯解去索償)
“you cannot wait more” (“時不我待!”)
list of the mind number 1 is daddy run on me (浮於腦中的記憶首當父親的鞭策)
no pessimism faggy talk bad on me(xxxxxx)
its all about the bobbi hands on me (還有初嘗禁果伴侶宛如羔羊)
And my mammy always leave a door for me(和那些思想叛亂的日子母親依舊為我留駐信任)
true religion runs above of me (信仰的聖光普照)
Junehoney biggi heechy still wake up an optimistic (我的兄弟張旭桐彭裕祥張一弛在每個清晨心存陽光醒目)
people are ego debating on themselves no honesty (陌生人,你過於自負真誠缺失)
small percentage whom im bulding with (這也是我只和少數志同道合的人共事的原因)
thought u the man who telling the truth (陌生人,你自認清高,自認與真理共存自認天選之子)
if I get cash i will be serve of the poor (告訴你吧我只是個務實的窮鬼若來日坐擁金山,毋相忘)
very night the time of fermentation now im sniffing (在非常的夜晚我寫下內心所感)
this that aint about the lottery glory to the shigamoni do i gotta suffer for it (送給支撐我許久的信仰:餘生漫長多多關照)
My skintone the best part, I go hard (引以為傲是我的膚色,我不會鬆懈)
til I leave my own mark on that Holly Boulevard (直到在星光大道留下足印)
Adiós to all them chiggaz out there (休想盜取我的成果)
tryna steal mine, **** (也不與之同流合污)
I would just count on these red red, **** (從今向更高的物質標準看齊)
I would just stack up this paper (從今我要賺取財富)
Honeyjune never your lover (而非再與你糾纏)
Mfkr got a sense **** gon better (哥們儿有預感好事要發生)
you say you been seeing them crackers on black people (你說你仍看到外面的世界黑色受白色的欺壓老生常談)
well I see all of them look down on my people (而我眼裡裝著切實的發生我民族仍不受他雙方待見近在咫尺)
Fix up the pride anew take it to my level (重拾我之自尊把這一切帶入我們的水準)
Stop typing hype fore you think it not difficult (參與這一切再去不屑別同我鍵盤上顯優越)
Ever since I was young, still young (自年輕時便如此,依然年輕)
Change rules like jewel, duchamp (轉換規則如首飾,我是杜尚)
Now I got my A-team journey still long (我已有這一級團隊而旅程依然漫長)
Eighteen eighteen gotta get it done (二零一八年十八歲有些東西該要完成)
Holler to my Gang (向我的兄弟們致意)
Itchy for the pain (不畏懼追求痛苦)
Actin like Im Biggie always make it rain (依然會風流瀟灑如同Biggie B.I.G)
Grand story all glory (恢弘的故事,盡是榮耀)
and when my day (當我的時代來臨)
be see my name (你會看見我的名字: )
Its HoneyJune
Aint nobody gonna do that peace out roof bang (不是每個人都敢於跳出現狀打破穩定)
Respect the people stand up keep damn expect (向敢於站起來保持信仰的人致敬)
I just write some stupid things let all u know bout what I mean (只能寫些歌詞表達想法)
I just care my lifemy fame my homies no evolution tip (只關心己利而沒敢想革新)
Pick up all my verses (用空閒時間寫詞寫歌)
No talent just wanna purchase (一無是處但是貪戀物質)
life is a gamble when i thought i gotta lose it (生活就是一場賭博)
then something make me laughing thats the certain logic (當跌入谷底時總有事情讓我重燃希望)
pellet pellet on a day (每天都武裝前進)
Im human so sometime Im fake (本為人人性難免虛偽)
Nobody gonna do that nobody keep no lie (除了親人兄弟沒人會對你完全真誠)
Stand on ur side read all ur mind know ur vices but keep quiet (只有他們不顧一切堅定地在你身後)
til I collapse see what I met know what I own (離去之時回望才會知道真正擁有什麼)
Do care my fame although I know Im wrong (即使知道這不該但仍過於在乎名聲)
Wanna stand out still wanna keep my zone (想要對世發聲又想護住自己的領域)
Hate the rich men but never on a loan (嫉妒富人但是不會為此愛慕虛榮)
See that big gun but never gonna pick it (有能力也不敢肆意使用)
till I can control my mind Im scared to make another promise (在能控制自己之前不敢再作出承諾)
Seize it dont please (想要抓住機會但不敢衝動)
U will hurt it though u love it (即使本無惡意最後仍可能造成傷害)
theres beauty in the struggle but no beauty in the hurting (奮鬥是美的但是傷害沒有美麗之處)
I always thinking bout that I was born to be somebody (總認為自己會大有作為)
but u should know that nobody want to be nobody (但是誰又想默默無聞呢_
Im not high end and well off be afraid of linger but thats wrong (不是富二代所以總急於求成即使我知這不對)
One day one verse is enough but in fact I quickly write this song (創作該循序漸進可實際上這一首信手拈來)
I need peaceful sorrow no compare with other people (想要沉浸在自己的世界不參與競爭)
But battles lie in anywhere can't stop my ego (但是我卻無法壓抑自己的好勝心)
Its MIPs on the roadreal talk in the song (MIPs正在不斷進步這首歌就是些我們那散亂的真實想法)
My homie on another rhyme will show u what we want (在後面另一個主旋律中biggi會繼續講述)
Its the biggionary (這是biggi的故事)
since I was 7 I know that mission heavy (從小就知道我背負重任)
my parents told me only need to live in happy (父母總說要過得開心)
but **** that happy (但是真實生活總事與願違)
Thats all fit acting fictionally (虛假的面具看上去那麼合適)
start fade in crowd grinding my spirit badly(生活把我消磨殆盡以致我消失在人群中)
negligibly but still feeling all sights focus on me(我被忽視可怕的視線寄生並蠶食著我)
so I need to avoid it(我想逃離)
avoid the scary what I gotta face it life is playing Pictionary (逃離我該面對的可怕生活)
gotta figure it out but questionary (想要找到答案但疑惑重重)
cant find a place to hide straw in paddy (像稻草人一樣無處藏身)
nirvana have it from the music (所以企圖透過音樂尋找重生的機會)
I selling candy I selling dream (我出售糖果同時經營夢想)
I hoping my religion hear me (希望信仰能夠聽到我的吶喊)
moni moni do i need to suffer for it (我必需承受這些痛苦嗎)
do u know that I really hate that feeling (你知道嗎)
I hate the money classify the people without the mercy (我憎恨金錢它把人類區分毫無仁慈可言)
poison make my family broken(金錢如毒藥它使我的家支離破碎)
Ive seen people dead in front of my dormitory (在宿舍門前我曾目睹人亡)
life is not that value now the people here already forget about it(眼下生命的珍貴似乎已被遺忘)
Life so tough can u feel about it (生活舉步維艱你感受到了嗎)
indeed biggie will never be beaten be peace (我會失敗但絕不會被擊倒)
showing the way will be brighter (前景會日益光明)
believe we live in our hood our family we screaming for Rollie we deserve it (鄉人各自追求他們應得的財富)
so I wake up every morning thinking bout my soul每晨太陽升起詢問內心的聲音
how it feeling迷霧中看清前路
useless, and out of lucky but wont giving it up so that easy (不輕易放棄)
yee MIPS hopping it out driving from normal to legendary (MIPs準備從平庸向傳奇蛻變)