Realligator 歌詞
Written by:Magnus Lidehäll
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent havent but stop my beat too bad
Something I do
Something I do
Something I do
Something I do I do I do
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent been but stop to my beat too
Havent havent havent but stop my beat too bad
Havent been but stop to my beat but stop to my beat
Stop keep stop to my beat stop to my beat stop
Havent beat stop to my beat stop to my beat
Stop to my to my to my beat too bad
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Havent been but stop to my beat too
Havent havent havent but stop my beat too bad
Stop to my beat stop to my beat stop to stop to my beat
Stop to my beat stop to my beat stop to my beat
Stop to my beat
Stop to my to my to my beat too bad
Something I do
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad
Stop tell them stop tips
Stop tell them stop tips
Stop tell them stop tips
Stop to tell
Stop tell them stop tips
Stop tell them stop tips
Havent been but stop to my beat too bad