Rollie Wey
2018 歌詞
now you know its twenty eighteen 你知道現在是2018了
we are big boy so we will make a big thing 我們是大男孩了就讓我們幹些大事
every day hustle like a rap patrol 每天都在拼命像是說唱先鋒
despite new school old school jazz trap and hardcore 不管是新派老派爵士陷阱還是硬核都是拈手即來
when i was eight i was told rick ross 8歲那年我聽了第一首里克羅斯的歌
i rap in drake rhythm 我試著用drake的韻律去饒舌
though ive never been to Toronto 即使我從沒去過多倫多
too much mistake too much regret太多的錯誤太多的遺憾
i am slake but sometime still beset 我很滿足但有時仍然困惑
be a real man its my armlet 待人真誠是我的行事準則
for my family and my bro 為了我的家人和我的兄弟
hiphop is my spirit Hiphop是我的信念
i swear i will keep my soul 我發誓我將永遠保持初心
they say hiphop is trash 他們說嘻哈是垃圾
but for some poor person 但是對於一些窮困潦倒的人來說
they have no money and no cash 他們沒有錢沒有鈔票
even have no place to stash 甚至沒有一處容身之地
music is their pabulum their power 音樂是他們的精神食糧是他們的力量
their way out their dream-flower 是他們的出路也是他們夢中的花朵
someone have polite behavior 有的人舉止紳士禮貌
and you cant see his dark inner 可你看不到他內心的黑暗
someone talk dirty and smoke 有的人說髒話抽煙
and you dont know for orphan his contribute 可你不知道他領養了孤兒做了多少貢獻
i never forget the first time that i listen rap song 我永遠忘不了我第一次聽說唱時的情景
there is no mic i try to rap with my clap along 我沒有麥克風卻試著自己打著節拍說唱
at the beginning i have no idea about it 開始的時候我一竅不通
but i believe everything will be okay if i hang on 但是我堅信只要堅持下去一切都會慢慢變好
twenty seventeen i decide to start my way to play my own music 2017我決定開始試著做自己的音樂
i was encouraged i suffered setback and sometime i dont know how to treat it 我受到過鼓勵也遇到過挫折有時我甚至不知如何面對
im not rich i have a part time job 我並不富有我做著兼職
i never give a **** about fake and snob 我從不理會跟風者和勢利小人
ive never been to the club and the bar 我從不去夜店和酒吧
i save money to buy cheap but my own first mic and soundcard 可我存錢買了第一個便宜但屬於我的麥克風和聲卡
i dont need big house with a big yard 我不需要大別墅大庭院
i dont need maserati or a fast Gt-r 也不夢想著有一輛瑪莎拉蒂或飛馳的Gtr
i dont wanna be a idol but i wanna be a famous rap bard 我不想做一個偶像我只想做一個著名的說唱詩人
twenty eighteen my friends get more and more 2018我的朋友越來越多
my confidant get fewer and fewer可是知己卻越來越少
something have changed forever 有些事永遠的變了
but you know i will be firm and stronger 可你知道我會變得堅定變得更強
twenty eighteen I witness a new thing which emerge overground is forced-out 2018我見證了一興起事物剛嶄頭露角卻被封殺
just because some authority figure defind it is unendorsed shout 只因為一些權威者把它定義為不被允許的聲音
twenty eighteen This year I come of age 2018我剛剛成年
everything is unknown cause i enter new stage 一切都是未知的因為我進入了一個新的階段
Many things are unfair but no one care 許多事很不公平可是無人在意
someone pain for family misfortune 有的人因為家事痛苦
onlooker just make joke and post twitter 可看客只是編成段子再發到網上
huh sounds like satirize but its fact 哈聽起來像是諷刺可卻是事實
so hard struggle so hard choice 太艱難的掙扎太艱難的抉擇
But I will go on making my sound and voice 但我會繼續發出屬於我的聲音
No matter what will become of the future 不管未來如何
This song is supposed to be a cypher 這首說唱本應是首cypher
but I writting these words when i open my player 但當聽到響起的音樂時我卻寫下了這些文字
this song is not for rapper 寫這首歌不是給說唱歌手
i write it just for each rap lover 只是獻給每一個深愛說唱的人