suhmeduh-change + star(RoadS1de remix)
suhmeduh-change + star(RoadS1de remix) 歌詞
i send u a message我又發了條信息給你
that i havent pass the Cambridge關於我沒有通過英方的考試
i prepare the sandwich但我準備了很多好吃的
and delete all my *******也刪除了異性聯繫人
i fancy met u at blockparty at a bar奇幻的事是在那場派對上遇見你
u stare me like you already knew who i was你看著我的樣子彷彿知道我是以後陪著你的人
you shot me in my heart in the dark with a dart of spark at the spot你的出現就像深夜黑暗中鋒利的劍刃刺進我的心中
and we go meeting at the park我們相約一起去散步約會
we hang out we cooled out we find love turned out我們逛著我們聊著我們不經意發現彼此的喜歡
though planes gotta flying i still keep waiting即使你的飛機起飛我也會一直等你起落
well the airplanes say sorry u r late你的航班告訴我我遲到了
i m on the way please dont close your gate但我現在已經來了所以不要關閉你的艙門
if u dont mind plz give me a seat如果你不介意給我一個艙位
i will be by your side no matter what the dacade or a date無論何時何地我都會在你身邊
Always give u a phonekiss一直通過iphone傳遞感情
Love is a longway quiz愛情是一個長期的測驗
remember keep me stayed with請記得我一直在你身邊
Looking stars and wide seas我們會一起去看海邊數星星