愛你愛到(Catnapp Remix)
愛你愛到(Catnapp Remix) 歌詞
Remix : Catnapp
我的眼睛最近不太爭氣Recently my eyes let me down
閉上它我就能見到你cuz I see you when I close them
噩夢主角最近都是你you dominated every each one of my nightmares
雖然夢裡的你不太入戲though in those dreams you looked distracted
OICQ線上隱身在蹲你wait for you go online on MSN
機場火車站廣播找你look for you using broadcast speakers in Airports and train stations
當你拖鞋擊落我的無人機when you throw your slipper right at my stalker drone
我已經不是我自己I am no longer myself
然後我們開心的笑著笑到眼淚都乾掉Then we laughed until the tears are gone
然後我們開始大哭著人類的煩惱Then we started crying for humans' trouble
確定你是我的天使我的宇宙為你閒置I am certain that you are my angle, my universe is vacant just for you
手臂刻下你的名字carve your name in my arm
我的眼睛最近不太爭氣Recently my eyes let me down
閉上它我就能見到你cuz I see you when I close them
噩夢主角最近都是你you dominated every each one of my nightmares
雖然夢裡的你不太入戲though in those dreams you looked distracted
然後我們開心的笑著笑到眼淚都乾掉Then we laughed until the tears are gone
然後我們開始大哭著人類的煩惱Then we started crying for humans' trouble
確定你是我的天使我的宇宙為你閒置Sure that you are my angle, my universe is vacant for you
手臂刻下你的名字Carve your name in my arm