Room With A View
Tony Carey
Room With A View 歌词
Well he used to be a tailor sewed those suits so fine
他曾是个裁缝 缝制精美衣物
and he never heard a failure and he never tasted wine
不谙世事 也未享受世间繁华
and he used to be a leader when he had someone to lead
他曾是位领导 运筹帷幄
and he used to be a father when he had some mouths to feed
他又是一位父亲 家有嗷嗷待哺的孩子们
when he had some mouths to feed
And they say it never rains in L.A. county
but it gets cold enough to wish you had a few
and he laughs tonight and says "I finally found methe room with a view how about you"
他微微一笑 说他已寻到一处好风景 你呢
He was living in a castle that he built with his own hands
out of newspaper and cardboard he was living off the land
不问世事 远离缤纷
he was living off the land he was living off the land
And they say it never rains in L.A. county
but it gets cold enough to wish you had a few
and he laughs tonight and says: "I finally found me the room with a view how about you"
他微微一笑 说他已寻到一处好风景 你呢