To Us It Did
Mitchell Tenpenny
To Us It Did 歌词
It didn't really take a hundred years to get to twenty-one
等到二十一岁 并不用花上一百年时间
It didn't take a whole case of beer to have a little fun
追求一点快乐 也不用喝光一整箱啤酒
And a fire don't need gasoline and a Black Cat to get lit, nah
点燃一簇火焰 没必要动用汽油和鞭炮
But to us it did
但对当年的我们 确有十足理由
当年那记初吻 并不能让你到达月球的高度
That first kiss didn't really get you higher than the moon
装模做样地学抽烟 也不会让你真的有多酷
And takin' hits off cigarettes didn't really make you cool
初次工作挣的第一桶金 不会让你就此富裕
That first check from that first job don't really make you rich, naw
但对当年的我们 确有这些意义
But to us it did
我们的卡车 并不能飙上两百英里的时速
我们四处奔忙的小镇 其实也没有感觉那么大
Our trucks didn't really go two-hundred miles an hour
灌下的杰克丹尼和橄榄球护肩 并不会让你拥有超能力
That small town we ran around ain't supposed to feel that big
犯下的错不会成为正确 泥泞的土地也不会发光 时间也从不会飞逝
Shots of Jack and shoulder pads don't give you super powers
但在当年 这正是你我的感觉
Wrong don't right, dirt don't shine, time don't fly
一把崭新的吉他 不会让你成为明星
But to us it did, yeah
一颗受伤的心 其实也不会真的破碎
就算你没能从悬崖跳向湖中 也不能说你不够男人
A brand new guitar don't make you a star
麦当劳店里那个角落 对很多孩子没什么特别
And a broken heart don't really break
但对当年的我们 却是关乎重大
Don't mean you ain't a man if you didn't cliff jump into that lake
我们的卡车 并不能飙上两百英里的时速
That corner spot in McDonald's lot don't mean a lot to most kids
我们四处奔忙的小镇 其实也没有感觉那么大
Ah, but to us it did
灌下的杰克丹尼和橄榄球护肩 并不会让你拥有超能力
犯下的错不会成为正确 泥泞的土地也不会发光 时间也从不会飞逝
Our trucks didn't really go two-hundred miles an hour
但在当年 这正是你我的感觉
That small town we ran around ain't supposed to feel that big
所有这些 都属于当年的岁月
Shots of Jack and shoulder pads don't give you super powers
逃离身后警车的追捕 不能让你成为「正义前锋」的主角
Wrong don't right, dirt don't shine, time don't fly
你挥棒的力度 你击球的距离 其实都没什么影响
But to us it did
荒废时光本没有资格 成为你无法忘怀的记忆
Oh, to us it did, oh
但对当年的我们 一切都是如此
我们的卡车 并不能飙上两百英里的时速
Yeah, runnin' from them blue lights didn't make you Dukes of Hazard
我们四处奔忙的小镇 其实也没有感觉那么大
How hard you punch, how far you hit, it didn't really matter
灌下的杰克丹尼和橄榄球护肩 并不会让你拥有超能力
Oh, wasted time shouldn't qualify for the nights you won't forget, no
犯下的错不会成为正确 泥泞的土地也不会发光 时间也从不会飞逝
But to us it did
但在当年 这正是你我的感觉
(我们的卡车 并不能飙上两百英里的时速)
Our trucks didn't really go two-hundred miles an hour
(我们四处奔忙的小镇 其实也没有感觉那么大)
That small town we ran around ain't supposed to feel that big (Yeah)
Shots of Jack and shoulder pads don't give you super powers
(灌下的杰克丹尼和橄榄球护肩 并不会让你拥有超能力)
Wrong don't right, dirt don't shine, time don't fly
(犯下的错不会成为正确 泥泞的土地也不会发光 时间也从不会飞逝)
But to us it did
但在当年 这正是你我的感觉
(Our trucks didn't really go two-hundred miles an hour)
(That small town we ran around ain'tsupposed to feel that big)
Oh, it wasn't big
(Shots of Jack and shoulder pads don't give you super powers)
(Wrong don't right, dirt don't shine, time don't fly)
But to us it did