On An Island (Album Version)
David Gilmour
On An Island (Album Version) 歌词
Remember that night, white stairs in the moonlight
犹记得那夜 白色阶梯沐浴在清辉中
They walked here too, through empty playground, this ghosts town
在这个鬼怪横行的小镇 穿过空荡的操场 他们也在此缓步
Children again on rusty swings getting higher
Sharing a dream on an island it felt right
We lay side by side between the moon and the tide
在月与潮汐之间 我们并肩而卧
Mapping the stars for awhile
须臾 绘制脑海中的星图
Let the night surround you
We're halfway to the stars
横亘在我们与恒星之间的路途 已经过去了一半
Ebb and flow, let it go
潮涨潮落 随它去吧
Feel the warmth beside you
Remember that night, the warmth and the laughter
犹记得那夜 温情和欢笑
Candles burn though the church was deserted
蜡烛虽能以光烧穿教堂 却还是被遗弃
At dawn we went down through empty streets to the harbor
黎明破晓时 我们穿过空旷的街道到达海港
Dreamers may leave but they're here everafter
梦者们要离开了 他们也永远留在这里
Let the night surround you
We're halfway to the stars
横亘在我们与恒星之间的路途 已经过去了一半
Ebb and Flow, let it go
潮涨潮落 随它去吧
Feel the warmth beside you