
  1. 29. See how the fates their gifts allot
  2. The Grand DukeAct 2:Happy couples, lightly treading
  3. The Zoo:My Father!
  4. 24. With fury deep we burn (Scaphio Phantis)
  5. The Grand DukeAct 2:Take my advice - when deep in debt
  6. The Grand DukeAct 2:Hurrah! Now away to the wedding
  7. 5. Let all your doubts take wing (Scaphio Phantis)
  8. 27. A more humane Mikado never did in Japan exist
  9. The Grand DukeAct 2:We're rigged out in magnificent array
  10. 4. In every mental lore (Scaphio Phantis Chorus)