
  1. The Canticle of the Sun, for Cello, Chamber Choir and Percussion: No. 1a, Opening, "Altissimo omnipontente bon Signore"
  2. The Canticle of the Sun, for Cello, Chamber Choir and Percussion: No. 3, "Laudato si, mi Signore, per sora luna e le stelle"
  3. The Canticle of the Sun, for Cello, Chamber Choir and Percussion: No. 10b, (fig. 126)
  4. The Canticle of the Sun, for Cello, Chamber Choir and Percussion: No. 7a, (fig. 66)
  5. The Canticle of the Sun, for Cello, Chamber Choir and Percussion: No. 12, "Laudate et benedicete mi Signore"
  6. The Canticle of the Sun, for Cello, Chamber Choir and Percussion: No. 7b, (fig. 87) - No. 8, "Altissimo, Altissimo"
  7. the canticle of T和sun, force力量o, chamber choir and percussion: no. 1不, (Fig. 15)
  8. The Canticle of the Sun
  9. The Canticle of the Sun, for Cello, Chamber Choir and Percussion: No. 2, "Laudato si, mi Signore, cun tucte le tue creature"
  10. The Canticle of the Sun, for Cello, Chamber Choir and Percussion: No. 9a, "Laudato si, mi Signore, per quelli ke perdonano"