  1. Tomorrow (Mix Cut)
  2. Life's A Dream (Mix Cut)
  3. The Head Master (Mix Cut)
  4. Liberate (Bryn Whiting Remix - Mix Cut)
  5. Hypersonic (Mix Cut)
  6. Inside Of Me (Mix Cut)
  7. System Shock (Dan Thompson Remix - Mix Cut)
  8. Tension (Mix Cut)
  9. The Power (Mix Cut)
  10. Cubik (Mix Cut)
  11. acid drop (mix cut)
  12. lullaby (mix cut)
  13. feel what i feel (prime mover 2021 remix - mix cut)
  14. light IT up (mix cut)
  15. you are still alive (Nicholson remix - mix cut)
  16. Velvet Sky (Mix Cut)
  17. Thermite 2021 (Mix Cut)
  18. Music Is Everywhere (Mix Cut)
  19. Energy (Feel What Im Feeling) (Mix Cut)
  20. Now We Are Free (Mix Cut)
