Heather Harper 歌曲列表

  1. The Beatitudes, F. 28: XI. Ninth Beatitude Heather Harper
  2. Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand"Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Gloria sit Pa Heather Harper
  3. The Beatitudes, F. 28: X. And Death Shall Have No Dominion Heather Harper
  4. The Beatitudes, F. 28: I. The Mount of Olives Heather Harper
  5. Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand"Part Two:Final scene from Goethe's "Faust" - " Heather Harper
  6. A Midsummer Night's Dream, Op.64Act 3:"If We Offend, It Is With Our Good Will" Heather Harper
  7. Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand"Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"A Heather Harper
  8. Don Giovanni, Act II: "In quali eccessi, o numi...mi tradì quell`alma ingrata" Heather Harper
  9. Hymnus Paradisi:VI. Holy is the true light (chorus, sop, ten) Heather Harper
  10. Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat major:IV. Allegro marziale animato Heather Harper
  11. Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand"Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Accende lumen Heather Harper
  12. A Mass of Life, FIRST PART:IV. 'Wehe mir!' (Agitato ma moderato) [1992 Remaster] Heather Harper
  13. Peter Grimes, Op.33Act 3: "Peter, we've come to take you home" Heather Harper
  14. MessiahPart 1:"There Were Shepherds...And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord... And The Angel Said Unto Them...And Suddenly" Heather Harper
  15. Das Klagende Lied - Part 1:Ein Spielmann zog einst des Weges daher Heather Harper
  16. Der Rosenkavalier, ZWEITER AKTACT 2DEUXIEME ACTEATTO SECONDO: Mir ist die Ehre widerfahren (OktavianSophie) Heather Harper
  17. Hymnus Paradisi:II. Requiem aeternam (chorus, soprano) Heather Harper
  18. Don Giovanni, Act I: "Protegga il giusto cielo" Heather Harper
  19. The Beatitudes, F. 28: III. Easter Heather Harper
  20. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, Nay, tempt me not Heather Harper
  21. The Beatitudes, F. 28: XII. Epilogue - O Blessed Jesu Heather Harper
  22. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act II, It may not be Heather Harper
  23. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, Iolanthe! Heather Harper
  24. Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand"Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Infirma nostr Heather Harper
  25. A Mass of Life, SECOND PART:I. 'Herauf! nun herauf!' (1992 Remaster) Heather Harper
  26. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, Good morrow, good mother Heather Harper
  27. A Mass of Life, FIRST PART:III. 'In dein Auge schaute ich jüngst' (Andante tranquillo con dolcezza) [1992 Remaster] Heather Harper
  28. A Mass of Life, RT II4, Pt. 2:No. 6, On the Mountains, a. Orchestral Introduction Heather Harper
  29. A Song For The Lord Mayor's Table (cycle devised by C. Hassall):2. Glide gently (William Wordsworth) Heather Harper
  30. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, My Lords, it may not be Heather Harper
  31. A Song For The Lord Mayor's Table (cycle devised by C. Hassall):1. The Lord Mayor's Table (T. Jordan) Heather Harper
  32. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, A shepherd I Heather Harper
  33. The Beatitudes, F. 28: II. First and Secon Beatitudes Heather Harper
  34. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act II, He loves! If in the bygone years Heather Harper
  35. Three Songs:1. Daphne Heather Harper
  36. A Mass of Life, FIRST PART:V. 'Nacht ist es' (Andante molto tranquillo) [1992 Remaster] Heather Harper
  37. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, Tripping hither, tripping thither Heather Harper
  38. Lohengrin:Act III: Verwandlung Heather Harper
  39. Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand"Part One:Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus" - "Infirma nost Heather Harper
  40. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act II, Strephon's a Member of Parliament Heather Harper
  41. Il ballo delle ingrate - (O. Rinuccini)Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII):"Ecco ver noi" Heather Harper
  42. Symphony No.3Part 2:Scena Heather Harper
  43. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act II, When Britain really ruled the waves Heather Harper
  44. Das Klagende Lied - Part 2:Ach Bruder lieber Bruder mein! Heather Harper
  45. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, The lady of my love Heather Harper
  46. Symphony No.2 in C minor - "Resurrection":5d. "Aufersteh'n ja aufersteh'n wirst du" (Langsam. Mi Heather Harper
  47. Il ballo delle ingrate - (O. Rinuccini)Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Book VIII):"Bella madre d'Amor" Heather Harper
  48. The Beatitudes, F. 28: Preludie - A Troubled World Heather Harper
  49. Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act II, Love, unrequited, robs me of my rest Heather Harper
  50. Missa solemnis, Op. 123:Gloria in excelcis Heather Harper