Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus歌曲列表
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus 歌曲列表
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: Lord, Thous hast been our refuge (chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: The mind bold and indepent (chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part I: I can no more (Gerontius)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38, Part 2:No. 13, "Softly and gently, dearly-ransomed soul" (Angel, Angelicals, Souls)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part I: Rescue him, O Lord...Noe from the waters in a saving home (chorus, Gerontius, semi-ch
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: Dispossessed, aside thrust, chucked down (chorus, Angel)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: Softly and gently (Angel, chorus, semi-chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: I went to sleep (Soul of Gerontius)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II:Softly and gently (Angel, chorus, semi-chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
the dream of GE Ron體US, op.38 (2007 remastered version), part i: prelude (lento, mist ICO - moderato - andantino - come prima)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
the dream of GE Ron體US, op.38 (2007 remastered version), part II: (andantino)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
the dream of GE Ron體US, op.38 (2007 remastered version), part i: be merciful, 不餓gracious (chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
the dream of GE Ron體US, op.38 (2007 remastered version), part i: rouse thee, 沒有fainting搜羅 (GE Ron體US)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
the dream of GE Ron體US, op.38 (2007 remastered version), part II: and now the threshold...praise TOT和holiest (Angel, chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
the dream of GE Ron體US, op.38 (2007 remastered version), part II: thy judgment now is near (Angel, soul)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
the dream of GE Ron體US, op.38 (2007 remastered version), part i: sanctus fortis, sanctus deus (GE Ron體US)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part I: Kyrie eleison...Holy Mary, pray for him (semi-chorus, chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part I: Jesu, Maria - I am near to death (Gerontius)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: Praise to the Holiest...We now have passed the gate (semi-chorus, chorus, Angel)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part I: Novissima hora est (Gerontius)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: It is a member of that family...All hail! my child and brother (Soul, Angel)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part I: Proficiscere, anima Christiana (Priest)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: A presage falls upon thee (Angel, Soul)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: But hark! upon my sense...Low-born clods of brute earth (Soul, Angel, chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: Glory to Him...But hark! a grand mysterious harmony (chorus, semi-chorus, Angel, Sou
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: I see not those false spirits...There was a mortal (Soul, Angel)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: My work is done (Angel)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: I go before my Judge...Be merciful, be gracious (Soul, semi-chorus, chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: Jesu! by that shuddering dread (Angel of the Agony, Soul)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part II: Praise to His Name!...Take me away (Angel, Soul)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (2007 Remastered Version), Part I: Go in the name of Angels and Archangels (chorus, Priest, semi-chorus)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38, Part 2:No. 13, "Softly and gently, dearly-ransomed soul" (Angel, Angelicals, Souls)
Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus