  1. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (Track Recap, Pt. 1)
  2. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (A State Of Trance FOREVER - Album, Pt. 2)
  3. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (Interview with Susana, Pt. 2)
  4. The Greater Light To Rule The Night (ASOT 1032)
  5. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (Interview with Susana, Pt. 3)
  6. Good For Me (ASOT 1032) [Service For Dreamers] (ALPHA 9 Remix)
  7. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (Interview with Susana, Pt. 1)
  8. ascend IT AD par Adi sum (as OT 1032) [future favorite]
  9. A state of trance (as OT 1032) (this is ferry cors ten)
  10. int和dark you shine (as OT 1032)
  11. A state of trance (as OT 1032) (A state of trance forever - album, PT. 3)
  12. Brave (as OT 1032) (Re order remix)
  13. sonata (as OT 1032)
  14. bloodstream (as OT 1032) (Ben gold remix)
  15. Sirius (ASOT 1032)
  16. I Will Be Right There (ASOT 1032)
  17. For All Time (ASOT 1032) [Tune Of The Week]
  18. Lost In Space (ASOT 1032)
  19. Empire (ASOT 1032) (Elevven Remix)
  20. Love Is Love (ASOT 1032)
  21. Libre (ASOT 1032)
  22. Savanna (ASOT 1032)
  23. Shapeshifters (ASOT 1032)
  24. Lose Yourself (ASOT 1032) (Scorz Remix)
  25. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (Track Recap, Pt. 3)
  26. Home With You (ASOT 1032)
  27. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (Contact 'Service For Dreamers')
  28. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (Coming Up)
  29. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (A State Of Trance FOREVER - Album, Pt. 4)
  30. A State Of Trance (ASOT 1032) (Intro)

Alpha 9/Sue McLaren/Susana/Zoë Johnston/Rank 1專輯列表