Momentary Expanse

歌手 Tristan Perich Tristan Perich

Momentary Expanse 歌词


  1. Collective Resonance
  2. Ship Sarangi
  3. Uffe's Woodshop
  4. Nausicaa
  5. The Color of Rain
  6. Aerumna
  7. Save My Death
  8. Momentary Expanse
  9. Scandal at the Parkade
  10. Wise Kid Song
Tristan Perich所有歌曲
  1. Movement 2
  2. For Argeo
  3. Movement 5
  4. Movement 4
  5. Momentary Expanse
  6. Movement 3
  7. Movement 1
Tristan Perich所有歌曲

Tristan Perich热门专辑

Tristan Perich更多专辑
  1. Tristan Perich Noise Patterns
    Noise Patterns
  2. Tristan Perich 1-Bit Symphony
    1-Bit Symphony
  3. Tristan Perich The Believer 2011 Music Issue
    The Believer 2011 Music Issue
  4. Tristan Perich 8BP050