  1. Psychotropical Nights (Sonic Species Remix)
  2. Psychedelic Vibration
  3. Darksiders
  4. Bumblebee Control
  5. Claudius Maximum (Indra Remix)
  6. Infinte Space (Deep Cleave Remix)
  7. So Far so Good
  8. From Another Planet
  9. Life Without (Monster Mode Remix)
  10. Uncharted
  11. All at Once
  12. designer drugs
  13. E蠟
  14. eradicate
  15. Keep the Frequency
  16. Thc (Monolock Remix)
  17. High Voltage
  18. Techno Drums
  19. Escape to Heaven
  20. Music Factory (Complex Remix)
  21. Psychedelic Exploration
  22. Lantern
  23. Local Vibes
  24. Analogic (Sixsense Remix)
  25. Louder (Shayning Remix)

Zen Mechanics/Zyce/Indra/Sesto Sento/Sunstryk專輯列表