  1. Egocentric Critic
  2. Work For The Life
  3. 第四樂章Heaven's Door(ft. DXKMUXE)
  4. Trophy
  5. S U N S E T
  6. False Link
  7. Dancing On The Roof
  8. Gore
  9. 閉目尋光
  11. Blossoms
  12. Gluttony(feat.楊寅)
  13. Incorrect Name
  14. 蝴蝶效應
  15. 航海家物語
  16. 北方十萬億死仇頌歌
  17. shrine o V tyrant
  18. snake in disguise
  19. 扁踹
  20. dense fog
  21. Golden Territory
  22. 既往不咎
  23. Revenge The Throne Of Tyranny
  24. Lupus
  25. Light In The Dark
  26. 6
  27. New World Sanity
  28. 同生男女

The Will On Kill/遁世浮屠/Return to Sender/肆伍/DuskyStar暗星專輯列表